So I’ve Created A Message Board

So I’ve created a message board in the year of 2025…why the hell is that?

Well I created a Message Board in the year 2025 for the simple fact places like Twitter/X are falling apart, the nightmares that was Feabie [don’t bother going there] and the fact Dimensions Magazine purged itself from the Wayback Machine awhile ago.

I wanted something for people to gather on and enjoy without the headaches or drama of Discords, Group Chats and so on.

For the time being it’s going to be a somewhat closed site, but in the long run I am hoping to make it a nice and welcoming website for the more sane parts of the community.

For the time being people will have to make a intro post on ObeseTalk until myself or a future mod approves the user joining to limit spam while we get things setup

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